6004 N. Westgate Blvd, Tacoma, Washington 98406

How can we help you today?

Please choose one

Please select a date and time

Please have your vision plan or medical insurance ready when booking your appointment.
Click to see the plans we accept: https://tacoma-eye.com/patients/insurance-information/

Looking for a sooner appointment or do you prefer to be seen earlier or later in the day?
Call us Tuesday thru Saturday at (253) 220-2563
If you need to reschedule your appointment please call the office.
Not doing so can result in two appointments being created and unnecessary confusion for both parties.

Please enter your personal information

All fields are required

Additional Notes

All fields are required

Please Enter your Insurance Information

BlueCrossBlueShield, United Healthcare, Priority Health, Aetna, etc

Enter your medical insurance plan
Enter your vision insurance if any

Financial Responsibility Form

Thank you for trusting  TACOMA EYE with your eyecare needs! 

Attention patient/patient guardian: Please read & sign this important document before your appointment. 

Vision plans
contribute to the cost of routine eye exams and optical merchandise (eyewear, contact lenses, etc.). 
Medical plans are billed when a medical condition (floaters, cataracts, dry eye, etc.) is detected.
We refer to vision and medical plans as “carriers” in this agreement.

You are allowing Tacoma Eye to perform an eye exam and bill your carrier on your behalf.  It is your responsibility to provide correct carrier information and prior authorizations before your appointment. Our office endeavors to verify coverage with carriers but carriers do not guarantee the information they provide us will be 100% accurate (even after carriers confirm eligibility, they still won't guarantee coverage). If you have questions about your  in-network benefits, out-of-network benefits, prior authorization requirements, etc, contact your carrier for clarification before your appointment. The ultimate responsibility of any monetary balance owed to Tacoma Eye is yours and not your carrier.  Our office uses a collections agency to collect unpaid balances. 

Digital Retinal Imaging (DRI) screening allows your optometrist to best screen, examine, and document a number of eye conditions.  Your optometrist will review your DRI findings during your eye exam and let you know if dilation or any additional testing is needed. DRI will cost you $39.  (If you have questions, please ask the receptionist when checking -in for your exam).

Before signing this document, take a moment to review the FAQs & policies on warranty, NSA, no-shows, etc. (Click here to access FAQs & policies on warranty, no-show, NSA, etc.)?

By signing below, patient/parent guardian acknowledge and agree to above.  If you have questions simply ask the receptionist when checking in for your exam.

Review and Submit

Please review then click submit.

  • 1. Personal Details
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  • 2. Appointment details
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